Friday, January 20, 2017

Gross wounds and God :)

This past Wednesday we heard from Dr. Michael A. Maier, Director of Lower Extremity Wound Clinic at the Cleveland Clinic.

Wo!  That was a mouthful!

I admit it, I was NOT excited about hearing some guy show pictures of gross wounds or telling stories about that!  Some people love that stuff, but not I!

The good news (for me at least-some people love seeing gross wound pics) was that he didn't focus on gross stories, but instead talked about how God helped him find his career.  And I really mean that.  Dr. Maier did a great job of sharing how God led him from a kid interested in doctor stuff all the way to becoming a very successful podiatrist.

One thing I learned from him was a quote from his dad: "Find greatness through humility."

Dr. Maier shared how working on people's feet was not what he originally saw himself doing.  It was quite humbling to be rejected by medical schools where he wanted to be a heart surgeon.  Yet, he was able to see that God seemed to be closing some doors and that the door He was opening in podiatrics (is that a word?), might be exactly what God had prepared him to for.

What are some things you learned?

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